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UNC’s School of Information and Library Science and the Cybrary, Chapel Hill Public Library, and Durham Public Library have teamed up to provide a series of workshops on computer skills.

For the past 15 years, the Community Workshop Series (fondly called “CWS”) has offered basic technology and computer classes at three local public libraries. Teachers are volunteers from UNC SILS, other departments at UNC, and the wider Chapel Hill community. Classes are free to the general public and range from Microsoft Word basics to creating Facebook profiles.

Creating digitally literate citizens directly aligns with UNC’s mission to increase the quality of life of our local community. We are excited to have you join us!

If you are interested, please sign up ahead of time by contacting the individual libraries.

Library Locations

Image of interior of Carrboro Cybrary

Address: 100 N. Greensboro Street, Carrboro, NC 27510

To register for class, contact the Cybrary at (919) 918-7387.



Current Services (all available by phone at 919-245-2525)

Digital Library Programs

Need Free Computer Access?

Orange County DSS has Chromebooks set up for web access by appointment at both locations. Appointment times are 8 – 9:30am, 10 – 11:30am, 1 – 2:30pm, and 3 – 4:30pm – call Serena McPherson at 919-245-2871 to set up an appointment.

[iconheading type=”h2″ style=”fa fa-wheelchair” color=”#fc4a14″]Accessibility Information[/iconheading]

The Cybrary is located in the Century Center in downtown Carrboro, which has a wheelchair accessible entrance slightly to your left as you approach the main entrance. Interior doorways do not have push buttons, but they are all kept fully open during community center hours. There are bathrooms inside with wheelchair accessible stalls.

Image of exterior of Chapel Hill Public Library Entrance

Address: 100 Library Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

To register for class, contact the CH Public Library at (919) 968-2777, or register online.




Current Services

  • Sign up for a library card
  • Checking out library books during COVID: Place holds through the online catalog and wait for an email notification. Call 919-932-2942 on the day you want to pick up your items

Digital Library Programs


Image of entrance to Durham SouthWest regional branch library

Address: 3605 Shannon Road, Durham, North Carolina 27707

***Free wi-fi available in the parking lot

To register for class, contact the Durham Branch at (919) 560-8590,
or register online.


Current Services